Safe Harbor Residential Care Home is a nurse owned and operated licensed assisted living, with multiple locations. Our current openings are located in our Apple Valley home, ages 55+. We provide all 24-hour customized living services for individuals who are in receipt of CADI, BI, EW waivers, and who has mental or physical disabilities. Personalized cared plans are developed by nursing staff, to each individuals’ specific needs, at the time of move in. We work side by side with each individuals’ medical providers and case managers, to ensure care is adequately meet at all times. Please reach out with any questions. We would be happy to help your clients or loved one.
Thank you,
Meeka Singh, LPN, LALD
Owner & Operator
Hi, I’m Meeka Singh. I am a licensed nurse, LPN and Owner/Operator of Safe Harbor Residential Care Home. I have been operational for 4 years in the assisted living industry and 245D HCBS homecare services. My educational background consists of a degree in Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN), Health and Science Broad Field, and Business Management. Prior to Safe Harbor Residential Care Home, I spent 12 years caring for veterans with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Medical Center, and Veterans Benefits Administration.
245D HCBS.
IHS (with/without training)
Individual Community Living Support