Sunshine Adult Foster Care, Delano Minnesota
Additional details
Contact person: KIFLU WAKWAYA
Contact person Phone number 952-217-3667
Email address kiflumegarsa@gmail.com
Current opening 2
Capacity 2
City Delano
County wright
License number #1121134
Funding accepted:
DD Waiver, CAC, CADI Waiver, TBI, Private pay, medical assistance
Disability types accepted or work with:
Intellectual disability, mental health, Behavioral issues, Autism, chronic illness, Hearing loss and deafness, Learning disabilities, Memory loss and physical disabilities.
SUNSHINE Adult Family Foster Care is operated by experienced licensed RN who has experience working in hospital and Nursing homes for years. Sunshine Adult Foster Care is committed to providing high quality, client-centered services. Their individual needs are carefully assessed, understood, and met through the selective assignment of qualified, trustworthy, and compassionate people. Our person-centered approach will convey compassion, thinking about things from the persons point of view, being respectful, responding to people’s needs appropriately. Our persons centered approach shows through sharing decisions with a client and a helping a client to manage his or her health and physical wellbeing by measuring his or her ability.
Physical Description
The house is fully furnished 2-story home located in a quiet and beautiful residential neighborhood of Delano. The house has six bed rooms and three full bathrooms, one half bathroom, one gym room, The house has walk out back yard with green grass and beautiful sunshine view.