MAFO runs a directory for social workers, providers and general public. Our Directory is free it is the overall search engine, it is on the front page and interior pages, with multiple categories ( These providers come directly from DHS and are the services used by disabled and elderly persons on Medicaid programs. So, these are what social workers are looking for especially for housing openings and services options.
We have Memberships to help pay for the directory and we provide advertising for our members. This helps pay for the cost of the Directory and is great advertising for Providers that goes directly to Social workers.
For Members we have an “OPENINGS LIST” that your ad goes out 2-3 a month to Social Workers and is LIVE 24/7 on Website (
Our Directory is the overall search engine, it is on the front page and is FREE. You are most likely in the Directory as the facilities loaded come from Licensed Providers from DHS. You can find your facilities, claim them and edit them.
Please let me know if you have any questions and/or if you would like to continue with a membership. If so, I can get you set-up. Thanks Mary